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CitatFoton nu exista. "Foton" e doar o idee in constiinta.Cine sustine ca fotonul nu exista, este clar un spirit stapanit de o filozofie nihilista, care doar incearca sa anuleze eforturile de cunoastere ale atator generatii de cercetatori pasionati de cunoasterea universului fizic.
CitatCe se contracta de 137 de ori ? Fotonul ? Ce inseamna contractia asta, ca ii scade lungimea de unda de 137 de ori ? Asta ar insemna ca ii creste frecventa pt ca f=c/lambda. Ceea ce nu se intampla decat la efectul Compton invers care produce blueshift adica un foton de frecventa crescuta. Dar nu cred ca ii creste frecventa de 137 de ori.
Citat din: ChatGPTYou:
If a spinning water wheel with a bucket attached to it is spinning with 10 Hz, or 10 revolutions per second, and a water wave of 10 Hz is flowing through it, would that increase the bucket's momentum and kinetic energy ?
This is a fascinating scenario that involves resonance in a mechanical system!
### Resonance in Mechanical Systems:
- When the frequency of an external force (in this case, the water wave) matches the natural frequency of the system (the spinning water wheel), resonance can occur.
- At resonance, the system can absorb energy more efficiently from the external force.
### Applying to Your Scenario:
- **Water Wheel Spinning at 10 Hz**: The water wheel and attached bucket are spinning at 10 revolutions per second.
- **Water Wave at 10 Hz**: The water wave also has a frequency of 10 Hz.
Given that the frequencies match, the water wave would provide energy to the spinning wheel at just the right times to enhance its motion. This can lead to:
- **Increased Amplitude**: The wheel's rotation could become more pronounced.
- **Increased Kinetic Energy**: The bucket and wheel would have more kinetic energy because the system is absorbing energy from the water wave more efficiently.
- **Increased Momentum**: As the kinetic energy increases, so does the momentum of the bucket and wheel system.
In summary, if the water wave frequency matches the spinning frequency of the water wheel, resonance can occur, leading to increased kinetic energy and momentum of the system.
If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 😊
Could the bucket become detached from the wheel when this happens ?
Yes, it is possible for the bucket to become detached from the wheel if the system experiences resonance and the energy transfer increases the wheel's motion significantly.
### Resonance and Mechanical Stress:
- **Increased Kinetic Energy**: When resonance occurs, the system can absorb a significant amount of energy from the external force (water wave), leading to increased kinetic energy.
- **Mechanical Stress**: This increased energy can cause higher rotational speeds and greater forces acting on the components of the wheel and bucket. If the mechanical stress exceeds the design limits, it can lead to structural failure.
- **Detachment**: If the bucket or its attachment mechanism is not robust enough to handle the increased forces, it could become detached from the wheel.
Citat din: calahanMecanism ce apare la amortizarea brusca a undei stationare de mare amplitudine, ce se constituie la absorbtia fotonului in substanta, dupa contractia longitudinala de 137 de ori si refractia la 360 de grade.
Citat din: calahan din Decembrie 24, 2024, 02:06:58 PMmariuslvasile
Eu am aratat ca fotonul este un relief electromagnetic, care poate fi comparat cu discul de pi-kup, care fiind in rotatie, pune in vibratie acul dozei, fara ca pe disc sa existe vreo vibratie. Si asta face ca lumina sa para ca fiind complex de unde E-M. Intr-un alt pdf am aratat ca fotoelectronii apar printrun mecanism de inductie electro-magnetica. Mecanism ce apare la amortizarea brusca a undei stationare de mare amplitudine, ce se constituie la absorbtia fotonului in substanta, dupa contractia longitudinala de 137 de ori si refractia la 360 de grade. Deci nu ar fi vorba de rezonanta la rotatia orbitala a electronului, ci ar fi rezonanta la unda statinara de mare amplitudine a fotonului absorbit in atom. Mecanism care explica de asemenea si efectul Compton. Acestea sunt idei de care nu au habar nici savantii nostri nici AI-ul.
CitatCum ar fi putut sa inteleaga ceva din fenomenele fizice Feynman, daca nu avea habar de semnificatia fizica a lui h, adica a constantei de actiune a lui Planck?