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Pagina internet a mobilitatii cercetatorilor europeni

Creat de Adi, Iulie 09, 2008, 02:15:01 AM

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Noua pagina internet a mobilitatii cercetatorilor - EURAXESS
Posted by: "Corina ABRAHAM - BARNA" cbarna2000@yahoo.com   cbarna2000
Mon Jul 7, 2008 2:24 am (PDT)
Stimati colegi,

Va aducem la cunostinta lansarea noii pagini internet a mobilitatii cercetatorilor - EURAXESS (apartinand Comisiei Europene) :

http://ec.europa. eu/euraxess/ index_en. cfm

Pagina contine :

1. Euraxess Jobs, oferind informatii despre posturi vacante in cercetare, burse si granturi, cum ar fi:

Biomedical Statistician
Belgium - ScienceCo

PhD Position: R&D Scientist, expert heterogeneous catalysis and hydrocarbons processing  Netherlands - ScienceCo

Post doc position in Plant ecology and carbon cycle
Italy - Edmund Mach Foundation

       Fellowships & Grants :
* Under European funding (9)
* At national level (439)
* At international level (22)

2. Euraxess Services, reteaua europeana a centrelor de mobilitate, din care face parte si universitatea noastra, pentru partea de vest a Romaniei (detalii la http://www.eracaree rs.ro/ro_ rmp/devreg. php?region_ id=5) :

EURAXESS-The European Services Network
EURAXESS Services is a network of more than 200 centres located in 35 European countries. If you are a mobile researcher, EURAXESS Services can assist you and your family in every step of your move, starting in your home country and continuing until you have settled in a new one. This free personalised service is here to remove red tape and make your life easier. You will receive comprehensive, up-to-date information, as well as customised assistance on all matters relating to your professional and daily life. A team of well informed staff is at your disposal across Europe. Find a EURAXESS Services Centre near you.
Ask for information and customised assistance on the following topics:
* accommodation
* day care and schooling
* intellectual property rights
* language courses
* recognition of qualifications
* salaries and taxation
* social and cultural aspects
* social security, pension rights and healthcare
* visas
* work permits

3. Euraxess Rights, continand Carta Europeana a Cercetatorilor si Codul Etic pentru Recrutarea Cercetatorilor:

The Commission of the European Communities
The European Commission has adopted a European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These two documents, addressed to researchers as well as to employers and funders in both the public and private sectors, are key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimulate economic and employment growth.

4. Euraxess Links, prezentand oportunit ati de colaborare in cercetarea externa UE si oferind sprijin cercetatorilor europeni in mobilitate in exteriorul UE :

EURAXESS-Links is a networking tool for European researchers abroad. It provides information about research in Europe, European research policy, opportunities for research funding, for international collaboration and for trans-national mobility. Membership is free.
New calls for proposals in 32 research areas
The European Commission issued on November 30 calls for proposals in 32 research areas, making available about 1.75 billion euros from the 7th Research Framework Program. There is a strong emphasis on international scientific collaboration, with all areas of research being open to partnerships, including countries from outside the European Research Area.
The new 1.75 billion call for proposals that was launched on November 30 address specifically the following areas:
* Food, agriculture and fisheries and biotechnology;
* Nanoscience, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies (seven calls);
* Energy (four calls);
* Environment (including climate change) (two calls);
* Transport (including aeronautics) (four calls);
* ERC (European Research Council) advanced grant
* IDEAS coordination and support action
* Marie Curie European reintegration grants;
* Marie Curie international reintegration grants;
* Researchers night
* Marie Curie international research staff exchange scheme;
* Marie Curie industry-academia partnerships and pathways.
* Research infrastructures;
* Research for the benefit of SMEs;
* Regions of knowledge;
* Research potential;
* Science in society
The Euratom call concerns nuclear fission and radiation protection.
For more information on the new open calls, please go to: http://cordis. europa.eu/ fp7/dc/index. cfm?fuseaction= UserSite. FP7OpenCallsPage
More details about the calls are also available via the network of National Contact Points, at http://cordis. europa.eu/ fp7/ncp_en. html.
The Network can help researchers identify areas of interest and create the partnerships that are generally required for accessing European funding. For information on the European Research Council, go to: http://erc.europa. eu/.

Lansarea paginii EURAXESS a avut loc in 24 iunie la Bruxelles, in prezenta comisarului european al cercetarii, dl. Janez Potoènik :
http://ec.europa. eu/commission_ barroso/potocnik /pict_gallery/ pict_gallery_ en.htm

Comunicat de presa privind evenimentul - in atasament : http://ec.europa. eu/commission_ barroso/potocnik /news/docs/ 20080624_ pressrelease_ euraxess. pdf

Va stau la dispozitie pentru detalii privind evenimentul de la Bruxelles si pagina EURAXESS.

Cu stima,

RCP West Mobility Centre
Banat University of Agricultural Sciences
and Veterinary Medicine from Timisoara
Phone:             +40 256 27 70 60       
E-mail: cbarna2000@yahoo. com
Web: http://www.eracaree rs.ro/ro_ rmp/devreg. php?region_ id=5
http://www.usab- tm.ro/engl/ 72deprelint. php

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